許哲珮集創作歌手、音樂製作人、劇場人、電台DJ身分於一身的許哲珮,2001年甫推出首張全創作專輯《汽球》即獲得各界好評,囊括亞洲無數大獎。 2007年更榮獲《金曲獎最佳專輯製作人》的肯定,為當今華語樂壇以童話題材創作最具代表性的獨立音樂人。 她總能用孩童般的雙眼看著、觀察著大人的世界,天馬行空的思緒化成一首首的創作。獨具個人色彩的詞曲,讓聽者循著奇幻元素,一步步走進許哲珮的世界裡,跟著她一起重新欣賞一切。
Peggy Hsu
About Peggy Hsu Set singer-songwriter, music producer, theater people, in a radio DJ identity Peggy Hsu, in 2001 just launched the first full album "balloon" that received public acclaim, numerous awards include Asia. she was awarded the "Golden Melody Award for Best Producer," in 2007, today's Chinese music to the fairy tale theme creation most representative of independent music. She always used childlike eyes watching, watching the adult world, abstract thoughts into song after another creation. Songwriter unique personal touch, so that the listener follow the fantasy element, a step by step into the world of Peggy Hsu, followed her back to enjoy everything.
Show Time at Glastonbury:
Thursday 23rd June 2016 11.20pm
Pussy Parlure in Silver Hayes
Suming 舒米恩
Suming 舒米恩,阿美族音樂才子,兼具流行歌手、獨立音樂創作、原住民母語歌手、演員等多元發展的新一代表演者。出身在都蘭部落,17歲開始音樂創作。發片後,得獎足跡跨越金曲獎、金馬獎、金音奬……等華語影視音樂重大獎項;而他沒有因此忘記自己的初衷,回到部落,積極從事關懷部落青少年的文化教育工作,曾經連續八年為部落青少年舉辦巴卡路耐訓練營;他更透過經營部落小旅行,讓來到都蘭的遊客可以了解部落生活,帶動部落經濟。近幾年Suming也連年受邀至各國各大國際音樂節演出,顯示其音樂作品及表演都具有國際發展的潛力。透過國外演出,Suming也學習各大音樂節舉辦的經驗,引進日本社區型音樂節的發展策略,成功創辦以原住民音樂特色為基礎,結合都蘭部落文創發展的「阿米斯音樂節 Amis Music Festival」,也期許自己能有更大的機會為台灣音樂創造更多的可能。
Suming Rupi
Suming, a talented indigenous singer-songwriter growing up in Dulan, the Amis ethnic group in Taiwan, started producing his music when 17. His music creation includes both pop music and independent music. After launching his own albums, he has won many significant national awards such as, Golden Melody Award, Golden Horse Award and Golden Indie Music Award. His talent is approved not only in music industry but also in other entertainment business. With a will of contributing back to his tribe, Suming also devotes in the teenage education of traditional culture. He has held Pakalungay training camps for 8 years in purpose of passing on traditional Amis culture to teenagers. Additionally, he also tries to promote the tourism industry in Dulan tribe through holding Small journey to Dulan, aiming to introduce Dulan to tourists and boost the local economy. In recent years, attracted by his stunning and unique music works, many renowned international music festivals started to invite Suming to perform abroad. Suming seized these valuable chances to learn the methods of executing a festival and applied them to his annual project, Amis Music Festival. Consequently, Suming introduced in the strategies of how Japanese build up festivals on the basis of community characteristics. With this pattern, based on indigenous music and features of cultural commodities in Dulan, he successfully conducted the Amis Music Festival. With many activities launched, Suming expects himself to keep bringing more possibilities into Taiwanese music.
Show Time at Glastonbury:
Friday 24th June 2016 17.00pm
Gullyin Silver Hayes
2014年,由團體「自由發揮」為她執導與演出的《自拍》MV, 入圍第26屆金曲獎最佳音樂錄影帶獎。
除了和蛋堡等饒舌歌手合唱,人緣和才華一樣突出,她與多位跨 世代的華語歌手合作,包括:方大同、比莉、周湯豪、安心亞、 盧廣仲、王大文、「宇宙人」小玉、孫盛希、陳大天等人,其中 最有名的便是MISS KO為天后張惠妹創作的「跳進來」。
嘻哈風格同樣在穿著展現無遺,不但拍攝多本潮流雜誌封面人物, 如: 《COOL》 《BANG!》,也常應時裝品牌之邀,擔任嘉賓。
2016年,簽約台灣環球音樂,從饒舌界的鄧麗君,化身「饒舌 界的環球小姐」。
Miss Ko
In 2014, her music video "Selfie“ featuring Amber Ann and boy band "Onetwofree" was nominated "Best Music Video" of the 26th Golden Melody Award that directed by Po-En Lee.
In the end of 2014, MISS KO released her second studio album 《XXXIII》, later she held her first concert in Taipei .
MISS KO received five nominations, including: "Best New Artist (Group)", "Best Hip Hop Album", "Best Hip Hop Song of The Year" at 4th and 6th Tone Award.
She collaborated with some amazing C-pop singers, such as: Khalil Fong, Billie Wang, Nick Chou, Amber Ann, Crowd Lu, etc. Moreover, MISS KO wrote "JUMP IN" for the diva, a MEI.
Her unique dress style makes her becoming the fashion icon both in luxury brands and streetwear.
Show Time at Glastonbury:
Thursday 24rd June 2016 00.40am
Pussy Parlure in Silver Hayes
Friday 24th at the blues 20:30-21:30
The Blues in Silver Hayes